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Create a career in tech


Your Prior Recruiting Experience

Training from TechRec Academy


An Recruiting Job at a Tech Company

Are you an experienced technical recruiter looking to sharpen your Technical Recruiting skills?  We created TechRec Academy to help experienced recruiters who want to break into recruiting at top tech companies. At TechRec Academy, you will learn the technology, skills, and industry knowledge needed to excel as a recruiter at any technology company.


After the course you will understand how to work effectively with the hiring managers, find the right engineers through creative sourcing, and how to build an effective candidate interview process. You can find more topics on our Classes page

"Hiring a Senior Technical Recruiter is more difficult than hiring a Senior Engineer"


- John Vlastelica, Recruiting Toolbox

Work in a rapidly growing industry

Help companies push the boundaries of innovation

High demand for recruiters = job security

Be a part of a fast-paced environment

Great compensation and perks

Grow companies that are changing the world

"Recruiters are in an incredible position to create the cultures that accelerate change."


-  Arianna Huffington, President and Editor-In-Chief, Huffington Post

Common Tech Company Perks:

Open Vacation Policy

Happy Hours

Team Outings

Gym Membership

Flexible Work Hours

Catered Meals

Ping Pong Tables

What Do Technical Recruiter Salaries Look Like?

Tech Recruiters in San Francisco earn an average of $75,000/year
That's 20% higher than the average recruiter!
Sr. Tech Recruiters in San Francisco earn an average of $110,000/year
That's 77% higher than the average recruiter!

Data from

"We are not going to be relevant unless we are inclusive, unless we are representative of who we serve." 


- Jack Dorsey, CEO, Square and Twitter 

Recruiters We've Trained Have Been Hired At:

"Mark Zuckerberg says he spends half his time recruiting." 


- Reid Hoffman, from The Start-Up of You

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